"The Uptown Church with the down-home message"

Hospitality and Ushers



This ministry's mission is to greet parishioners, visitors and special guests as they arrive, assist persons with special needs, find available seating and collect and receive the offerings of the people.

At the Offertory, Ministers of Hospitality also choose parishioners to present the gifts.  During the Eucharist, the Ministers of Hospitality proceed together to direct those wishing to receive communion and escorts the Celebrant or Extraordinary Minister to distribute communion to those unable to approach the altar.

Upon the conclusion of Mass, the Ministers of Hospitality are stationed at all exits to distribute the weekly bulletins as well as surveying the church to gather any property that may have been left behind.  Property left behind is placed in the sacristy.  All missalettes are returned to its shelving.


Contact:  Patrick G. Anthony, President

Email: bssjaparish@arch-no.org