"The Uptown Church with the down-home message"






Renovation Prayer

“Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. They shall be 
like a tree planted by water, sending its roots by the stream. It shall not fear 
when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is 
not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.” (Jer 17:7-8). 

Lord, the worshipping community of Blessed Sacrament-St. Joan of Arc is that 
tree planted by the water sending out roots to serve you for over 100 years. 
You are truly the bread from God which comes down from heaven and gives 
life to the world. Accept our fervent prayers for the success of our Capital 
Campaign to rehab, rebuild and renew our church and community. Restore to 
wholeness all which is broken in us and our facilities. Transform us by your 
grace and mercies for you have compassion for all who turn to you. We seek 
your guidance and support in sustaining the community of Blessed Sacrament-St. Joan of Arc
so we may continue your work on earth by spreading the 
Gospel. We invoke our patron Saint Joan, as well as, St. Joseph, St. Katherine 
Drexel, Venerable Henriette Delille, and those who have gone before us to 
intercede on our behalf at the throne of God to find those generous of heart 
and of great faith to assist us in this campaign. Jesus, you are the Blessed 
Sacrament and you renew us daily by your precious Body and Blood, we pray 
for renewal through the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son, and the Holy 
Spirit, now and forever. Amen.


Our Parish has embarked upon the rebuilding, renovating and renewing of our edifice.  As we approached the 100th anniversary and look to the future of our worshipping community, over the next year preparations to continue to be that beacon of light in the Riverbend are being made.  Your support and generosity in this endeavor will allow that light to continue to shine for years to come.  With your prayers and supplication, we will ask God to truly enrich this effort and our lives by giving us the strength, health, love, unity and finances to successfully complete this endeavor.