"The Uptown Church with the down-home message"

Knights of Peter Claver





For the purpose of rendering service to God and his Holy Church; of recognizing the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, particularly as these attributes are defined in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy; of assisting the Hierarchy and clergy of the Roman Catholic Church in the Apostolic work of which they have dedicated their lives by planning, promoting, sponsoring and executing commendable works of Catholic Action wherever and whenever possible; for giving edification by good example in deportment, in words and in deeds, especially to the youth who will emulate these virtuous deeds; of rendering pecuniary aid to its members and beneficiaries; of rendering mutual and assistance to its sick and disabled members; of promoting such as social and intellectual among its members, as shall be desirable and proper, and by such lawful means to them shall seem best, the order of the Knights of Peter Claver was called into being, and its organization effected.

May every Knight aspire to true manhood in all its glory!



Grand Knight - Dr. Reginald Parquet 

Deputy Grand Knight - Wayne Preyan

Secretary - Michael Wallace

Treasurer - Gerald Mills

Chaplain - Audie Nero 

Junior Knight Commander - Byron Boyd



Godfrey Harris, Jr.

Joseph Jacques

Clarence Lombard

Dr. Maurice McMorris

Ewell Parquet

Harold Preyan


Contact:  Reginald Parquet

Email:  bssjaparish@arch-no.org